Frequently Asked Questions


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What are the minimum wages in Canada?
As of April 1, 2023, Canada has a federal minimum wage of CAD 16.65 an hour, which applies to federal workers and workers in industries that span provincial borders (like transportation, banking, and telecommunications).
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Frequently Asked Questions

01. What are the main sources of employment law in Canada?

Employment law in Canada is derived from employment-related legislation, common law (or Civil Code in Québec), and employment contracts. Federal jurisdiction applies to certain industries with a national or international scope.

03. Which types of workers are protected by Canadian employment law?

Canadian employment law protects employees, who are entitled to benefits like overtime pay and leaves. Dependent contractors and independent contractors are also recognized, but employment law mainly applies to employees.

05. Do employment contracts need to be in writing in Canada?

Employment contracts in Canada don't have to be in writing, but they can take various forms like offer letters, contracts, or verbal agreements. Collective agreements for unionized employees must be in writing.

02. Are any terms implied into Canadian employment contracts?

Canadian employment contracts imply obligations of loyalty, competence, and safety. Employers must provide a safe workplace. A non-union employee's contract implies that the employer will provide reasonable notice of dismissal.

04. Are there minimum employment terms set by law in Canada?

Canadian legislation establishes minimum standards for wages, hours, overtime, vacations, holidays, and leaves. Employees cannot be given terms less favourable than these standards.

06. How are employment terms determined through collective bargaining in Canada?

About 30% of Canadian workers are unionized and have terms negotiated through collective bargaining, often at the company level. Collective bargaining can also occur at the industry level.