Frequently Asked Questions


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What is BOCW card?
BOCW Smart Card is a certified SCOSTA Card used as per the several e-Governance policies laid down by Government of India.
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Frequently Asked Questions

01. Can an employee claim compensation under ESIC as well as Employees Compensation Act?

When an employee covered under ESIC meets with an accident, he can claim compensation only under ESIC and not Employee’s compensation Act.

03.Whether an employer is liable to pay compensation for accident arising due to willful negligence of an employee?

The employer may not be liable for payment of compensation when the facts depict a clear case of defiance of instructions by the employee.

05. What is the Contribution for Provident Fund both by the Employer & Employee?

The Employee contributes 12% of his /her Basic Salary & the same amount is contributed by the Employer.

02.When is an employee eligible to enjoy pension scheme ?

For an employee to become eligible for Pension fund, he has to complete membership of the Fund for 10 Years.

04.Whether termination of an employee on probation will amount to retrenchment?

The employee who is under probation and worked in an establishment for less than 1 year does not fall under definition of continuous service and hence has no right against termination for unsatisfactory work.

06.Are daily/casual woman employees entitled to maternity leave?

Yes, provided they have worked at least for 80 days before claiming maternity leave or they are covered under ESIC
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